Hannah Sturgess - Profile

Hannah Sturgess
Moolahmore's easy-to-understand dashboards, automated system, powerful scenario builders, seamless integrations and convenient report exporting are the main reasons why I am at ease and confident in scaling up my business. I have numbers I can trust at my fingertips to make brilliant business decisions. I'd definitely recommend this cash flow tool!
3/27/2023 5:40:01 AM Report

I've been a Financial Advisor for a year now, and I play a critical role in providing my clients professional advice on managing their finances. MoolahMore changed my life. I became more confident in my job and in helping my clients. I particularly love their ""what if"" scenario builders. This allows my clients to plan for challenges and possibilities to reach their financial goals. My clients also loved the app!
1/26/2023 8:25:46 AM Report