Whole Mind Strategies

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112 David Street
Dandenong 3175
Phone number:
03 9792 2242

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Company description

Whole Mind Strategies is a leading psychotherapist and medical hypnotherapist clinic that helps you achieve goals and get over addictions. We have Anthony Gilmour as our head hypnotherapist and psychotherapist who has over 0 years of experience in this medical field and is highly renowned in the field of medical hypnosis. We are experts in helping you overcome anxiety, deal with depression, put an end to addictions, give up smoking permanently, achieve your goals like losing weight, and all such cases. We have the capability to help you get through your obstacles through hypnosis and are keen to offer all the needed help to all our patients. Our practitioner holds all the government accredited qualifications and the founder of the clinic, Tony has successfully authored the book “Tragic to Magic” which has been very renowned and appreciated by the readers. Give us a call to book an introductory appointment.


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