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We are all born with some of this tissue, but for some children it is so tight that they cannot move their tongues correctly. This can affect their ability to breastfeed, or even take a bottle or a pacifier. Tongue Tie can also have other serious health effects. In a similar manner, a kid's lips can be joined to his gums, make it hard to get a good grasp on a nipple. Babies who have lip ties approximately always also have tongue ties. The normal growth of a fetus includes the growth of little bits of tissue called frenums (also known as frenulums), which join the tongue to the floor of the lower jaw. There are different kinds of tongue tie. They are classified according to where the frenum is attached on the base of the tongue. Tongues and lips are only considered *tied* if their movement is limited, impair mobility. It is important to note that many people have frenums which do not cause any problems at all. Each case needs to be assessed on a person basis. Our clinic at Integrity Dental is especially set up to care for kids quickly and effectively for this situation, and we always struggle to hold the requests of each patient individually.