Company description
Honest and reliable food reviews, cooking and adventures and lots of goodness. I review all the big chains, the smaller ones as well as local restaurants, cafe’s and more. www-thatsnoice-com
If you are new to my channel, there are a few things I do differently. My videos rate food and drinks with the best getting a, “THAT’S NOICE!” 5 out of 5. I do sniffy sniffs, dipie dips and sometimes the shaky shake and more.
My videos are all about the fun, flavor and the happiness food brings to my life and my opinions on that food and drink! My reviews are entertaining and I share my opinion. With all things considered, sometimes we may not agree on my reviews but at the end of the day as long as we respect each other, we can still have fun!
Please subscribe to my channel, watch some of my videos and if you like them, share them on social media!
I’m someone who knows good food and I’ll let you know if you should visit or not!