Company description
QStrata caters for the three major title schemes and industry sectors, being Residential, Industrial, and Commercial. The Residential sector involves separation of units, townhouses, apartments, houses and any form of dwelling unit for individual sale by way of building format, Torrens title or group title subdivisions. These can often the supplemented with cost-effective renovations and landscaping work to gain uplift on sale price or revaluation. Industrial projects include division of large warehouses into smaller more boutique products to widen the market scope for sale or for group title/Torrens title/freehold title subdivisions to separate larger assets on individual lots for separate sale. For the commercial sector, our projects involve strata titling office, retail or other tenancies which form part of larger multi-purpose assets or the separation of mixed use development where the commercial component is excised by way of a volumetric subdivision and linked back to the residential component by way of a building management plan.
Take advantage of a new way of approaching strata titling. To contact our business development manager or to simply request a quote, phone (07) 4724 1763 or email us at
[email protected].