
507 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone number:
1300 654 259

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Company description

The name Paddy Pallin certainly means many things to many people. For some it brings to mind the genial personality of one of Australia's pioneer bushwalkers. Others will recognise the name from the label of a sleeping bag or rucksack that has given a generation of faithful service in the great outdoors. Or perhaps it brings to mind the colourful history of Australia's greatest cross-country ski race. For most people however, the name is associated with a group of specialist retail stores catering for travellers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Some 80 years ago, a young bushwalker's dissatisfaction with the limited and heavy bushwalking equipment available prompted him to design and make his own. Before long, word spread, and Paddy Pallin's lightweight, functional designs were soon in demand among fellow bushwalkers.

From its early days the company has concentrated on supplying bushwalkers, travellers and adventurers with the highest quality and most advanced products, not only from the Pallin clothing label, but also by sourcing a broad range of equipment from some of the world's leading manufacturers.

Since its inception, the name of Paddy Pallin became synonymous with the Australian bush, and the company he founded has grown to become Australia's leading supplier of specialist outdoor and travel gear. The company, still owned by the Pallin family, now has thirteen stores throughout Australia as well as online, mail order and corporate sales divisions. Paddy Pallin was the first to provide functional, high quality equipment for the outdoors in the 1930's and his company continues to be the market leader today.


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