Company description
Massage Treatments
Relaxation massage - 60 minutes
A hands-on full body massage medium pressure. Relieves muscle tension, stimulates circulation, increases serotonin levels, improves muscle tone and promotes total mind and body relaxation.
Therapeutic Massage -60 minutes
Therapeutic massage is very effective in dealing with muscular problems, loss of muscle tone and adhesions and removing physical tension on the muscles. Incorporating advanced massage techniques, it helps to speed up circulation and eliminate toxins, which can cause pain and stiffness.
Sports Massage - 60 minutes
A therapeutic massage that includes stretching and compression techniques. Rehabilitates soft tissue dysfunction that can result from physical labour, or sports related injuries. Promotes flexibility, reduces swelling, relieves muscle tension and alleviates muscle fatigue.
Myofascial Release - 60 minutes
Myofascial relase is a massage process involving a gentle stretch process used to engage and stretch the fascia, release muscle tension and make postural changes.
Aromatherapy Massage 60 minutes
Aromatherapy is an excellant preventative treatment as it helps to relieves stress and related conditions. It stimulates our natural immunity and particular oils have an affinity with certain systems of the body. An individual blend of oils will be created for you at each treatment.
Lymphatic Massage-60 minutes
Lymphatic massage is a technique used to increase lymph flow. Increased lymphatic flow removes harmful substances from the body's tissues and increases immune function.