
5/14 Beneficial Way
Wangara 6065
Phone number:
(04) 2353 6363

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Company description

Lend Me is a finance brokering business based in Wangara, Perth, WA. Dedicated to finding the right finance solution for your business or personal loan needs. We can secure all type of loans and lending however specialise in personal loans, cosmetic loans, dental loans, debt consolidation, holiday loans, caravan loans, car loans, equipment finance, asset finance, business loans, debtor finance, commercial loans & commercial lending. Our office is located in Wangara locally servicing Ashby, Darch, Hocking, Kingsway, Landsdale, Madeley, Pearsall, Sinagra, Tapping, Wanneroo & an online portal to service clients Australia wide! *If you don't see what you are looking for please contact the team at Lend Me today for an obligation free chat.

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