Company description
dashdot - buyers agents specialises in investment and home owner properties that are below market value, but with positive yields, very strong capital growth prospects, and those that have value added potential by various instruments like subdivisions and renovations.
dashdot - property buyers agents mission is to help Australians reach financial independence and to build wealth through real estate.
dashdot - property buyers agents focuses on affordable real estate properties, in progressing areas, that will give strong financial return of investment.
To achieve this goal, dashdot conducts extensive research and analysis at the, Micro, Macro Property and street level with checklist and financial analysis reports to reduce your risk, and maximize your chances of success.
Contact dashdot if you need any of the following:
Buyers agents Melbourne
Property agents Melbourne
Property buyers advocate Melbourne
Contact Information:
dashdot – buyers agents. Footscray VIC 3011. 03 9088 8037