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Simon Jones - Profile

Simon Jones
Before I even launched my business I was determined that it would be eco-friendly and I have a great team of staff who support that. I was telling a customer how green we were and she said that might be so, but could I prove it! I made some enquiries and got in touch with a Brisbane business called Standard Consulting and found out about environmental management system certification. We've never looked back and our customer base has grown, as we are seen to be doing the 'right thing'. Thanks guys!
2/29/2016 12:39:24 PM Report

Although I had always considered our workshop well organised and safe, a minor accident recently gave me a big shock and got me thinking about what would have happened if it had been more serious. I don't want to risk that happening, so we signed up for OHSAS 18001 training in Brisbane.
2/29/2016 10:45:10 AM Report